Creating a Pinterest Source

On the Conversionomics homepage, you will see a screen with all of your projects; select the project name you will be working on. If you need to create a new project, select the orange button that says "New Project" and follow the instructions 

Once you select the project you want to work on, you will see a similar screen as shown below. Select the orange button that says " + New Source"

After selecting the orange button that says " + New Source"

Input the "Source Name" and select "Pinterest Analytics" for the type, then click "CONTINUE" once complete.

You will then be redirected to the source configuration screen.

From here, select the connection you wish to use to link the source with Pinterest. Then choose the Advertiser and Level to determine what report and date you would like to pull from the connection. Setting the Metrics and Entity Fields determines the fields that will be included in the source. Conversion Report Times can be set to further filter the data while Granularity will group the data based on time periods.

Finally you can set the Look Back Days to determine how many days you wish to reload when the source is run.

Once all of these settings are filled out, you can save the configuration and run your source.

Additional Information can be found within the official Pinterest REST API

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