Creating a File Source

Note: File sources only support CSV and Excel files. Zipped files will be automatically extracted upon upload.
On the Conversionomics homepage, you will see a screen with all of your projects; select the project name you will be working on. If you need to create a new project, select the orange button that says "New Project" and follow the instructions 

Once you select the project you want to work on, you will see a similar screen as shown below. Select the orange button that says " + New Source"

After selecting the orange button that says " + New Source"

Select "File" for the type, then click "CONTINUE". Enter a name for the source and press "SAVE" when completed.

You will then be redirected to the source's configuration screen.

From here, select which field that will be used as the main Date field. If the format of your date field is not yyyy-mm-dd, then you will need to set a Parse Format to change it. More information about date parsing can be found HERE

Setting the "Skip X lines at the beginning and end" of a file will cause the source to ignore those lines during loading. This is useful if there is empty space or unwanted date outside of the desired range.

The Data Delimiter is the character used in the file to separate the data in your files. If left empty, a comma will be used as the default value.

Finally, setting the "Remove empty lines from the end of the file" will cause all lines with no values to be removed. This will prevent rows of NULL values from appearing within the source after it loads.

Once the required settings are filled, the configuration can be saved and the source will be ready to run.

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