Creating a Google Analytics Source

Please note: Universal Analytics, the version of Google Analytics to which this article pertains, has been deprecated and replaced by Google Analytics 4. Data from time periods during which a Universal Analytics property was still operating can be loaded normally. However, data loaded for a sufficiently large date range will return sampled data (a subset of the dataset meant to represent the whole) to reduce the amount being loaded. In order to avoid this when loading historical data for large time periods, it is best to load subsets of the date range in sequence.

Click the " + New Source" button in the header on the main sources page.

In the pop-up window, name your new source and pick the "Google Analytics" source type.

Select the account to which you want to connect, including the connection, account name, and the rest of the parameters specified for that account.

In the next section, you can select the metrics and dimension you want included, based on the specific source you are configuring. As you start typing, Conversionomics will provide you with the available fields containing the keyword. Alternatively, you can pick the fields from the dropdown menu.

a) Enter the metrics you'd like to pull. For a more detailed explanation of the dimension and metrics, check out the " Dimensions & Metrics Explorer" tool.

b) Enter the dimensions you'd like to pull. For a more detailed explanation of the dimension and metrics, check out the " Dimensions & Metrics Explorer" tool.

c) Enter any custom dimensions defined in Google Analytics. For more info, see this article.

d) The filters option restricts the data returned from your request. For more info, see this article.

e) Segments allow you to select users and sessions to answer questions that are important to your business. For example, users that have completed at least 2 transactions with a lifetime revenue of over $1,000, or users who visited first on a mobile device followed by a desktop browser. For more info, see this article.

f) Anti Sampling Data will prevent loads for sufficiently large date ranges from returning sampled data. This is done by recursively retrying the API call on subsets of the original date range until data for the entire range can be provided in a series of loads without sampling. Please note that this can significantly increase the amount of time and resources required for the load.

g) If you leave this unchecked, rows where all metric values are zero will be omitted from the response. For example if you include more than one metric in a query, the rows are only removed if all metric values are zero. This can be useful when making a request where it is expected that the number of valid rows is much smaller than the number of expected dimension values.

h) We can auto parse dates for you so they're more easily readable and recognizable. 

Finally, the Look Back Days option allows data within the number of days entered to be reloaded every time the source is run.

To do a full reload (which reloads ALL data instead of just appending new data to the existing data), check the "Full Reload" box. To load a source multiple times per day so that data for the current date is brought in after the first load, check the "Refresh Today Data" box.  To prevent the source from being included in tracks automatically due do its dependencies, switch "Exclude from Tracks" on.

Now that your configuration is complete, click "Save." You're now ready to load data.

After your source has finished loading, you will be able to see details about its parameters and status on the source home page. You can also modify the source settings, export, view history and the source dependencies, among other options.

a) See the status of your sources, when it was last updated, the number of rows, size of the source, and if auto load is on or off.

b) Click the "Settings" button to change the configuration for this source

c) You can export the source data to a CSV file or create a BigQuery export.

d) To load data, click the "Add Data" button. You're able to select a date range for your load, and you're also given an option to add data from a CSV. If you want to overwrite the existing data with your new data, turn on the "Overwrite" feature.

e) This "connection info" bar will tell you at-a-glance how your source is configured. To change the configuration, click the gear icon, or the "Settings" button at the top of the page.

f) Your most recent loads will show here, with some accompanying information about each one.

g) This is a preview of the data in the source. We show you the first 5 rows, and also show you the type of data for each column.

Universal Analytics documentation is no longer available.

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