User Groups

User Groups are a feature within the Organization Settings that allows Admins to assign permissions to users. These permissions will limit the user's access to specific projects and connections.

Users not within a group will have access to all projects and connections by default.

To access User Groups, you must first navigate to the Organization Settings screen. This can be done by clicking your user profile icon, locating the desired organization, and pressing the gear icon next to the name.

Now navigate to the User Groups tab near the top of the page.

To create a new User Group, you must press the New Group button. This will take you to the group configuration screen.

From here, you will need to enter the name of the group, the email that will be assigned to the group, and the warehouse that the users will have access to.

NOTE: The group email must be apart of the "net-conversion" domain, and must be unique.

Then enter a helpful description to detail what this group will be used for.

Next, you must select all of the users that will be include in the group. Then choose the projects that they will have access to. And finally what connections the group will be allowed to use.

Activating the switches will include all users/projects/connections in the group. However, selecting all users and/or projects will result in an error.

Once all fields have been filled out, press the "Save" button and the permission changes should take effect within a minute.

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